When it comes to celebrating diversity in the workplace many companies already have provided a revenue where for example culture diversity, different values and approaches already are appreciated and promoted. Encouraging conversations and activities that help us recognize, embrace and celebrate diversity in the workplace are good initiatives that companies are already aware of. Making employees feel recognized and valued, attracting the talent needed will enhance a healthy and successful workplace. The key is to incorporate diversity company wide and not highlight it with a single event.
Celebrating diversity in the workplace should be about bringing the workforce together in a natural way where they can celebrate, engage and champion each other’s uniqueness. Most important, do not forget to have fun.
Here are 3 ideas on how companies may have a start on celebrating diversity in their workplace.
1. Organize International Business Meetings to celebrate diversity in the workplace
Celebrating diversity in the workplace is easier than we think. How to do business in x different countries? Invite someone who is specialised in cross cultural or international business studies for example and organize training or meetings to find out more about the cultural values of how different countries (your company is related to) conduct business. Or just invite the international colleagues to give their insights and ask questions about different forms of business such as: business cards, negotiating, greeting protocol etc.
2. Create a Cultural Celebration Calendar
Another idea on celebrating diversity in the workplace is to ask employees, or appoint a committee with varied backgrounds and culture to create a calendar with the most significant holidays, events, celebrations, festivals etc. from all cultures represented in the workplace. The thing here is to incorporate these days in the company’s daily business. Treat these days as any other official recognized holidays or events in the Netherlands. If there are employees who want to celebrate that special day then everyone should be invited to be part of it. ICelebrating diversity in the workplace during these events might include; playing different types of cultural music, probably traditionals fashions from around the world, foods and spirits.
3. Lunch & Learn
Celebrating diversity in the workplace is fun when you really involve everyone. Above we talked about sharing each other’s culture. However, organizing lunch & learn sessions for employees from different departments might be a very powerful decision. In this way, they will share their own expertise, knowledge and skills. This should be naturally incorporated in the daliy business. Celebrating diversity in the workplace through lunch & learn works also when the company engages different generations. The techno-savvy Millennials or Gen Z’s could be after all ideal teachers in teaching how to communicate fast through technology or how to obtain information quickly. The message behind this is, that everybody has excellent skills to share and you do not have to be a manager to teach.
Diversity in the workplace is all about empowering employees by respecting and embracing what makes them different in all the ways. It means appreciating and understanding one another by truly embracing the differences. Read here more about Diversity in the workplace: 3 ways to get it right.
Need A Workshop on how to celebrate diversity in the workplace?
Working with people from all over the world we know how important and crucial the subject on Diversity and Inclusion can be from hiring process to termination. Our workshops are tailored to your own needs and requirements. Combining our own experience and the knowledge we have gained, these workshops will be a true success and valuable for your company.