The Career Spark
How do you stay motivated while you are looking for your next career?
Job hunting can be a long and challenging process. Staying motivated during a job hunt can be difficult, especially when you have been searching for a couple weeks. With these tips on how to stay motivated while job hunting you will start to feel positive again, which will actually increase your chances of making a powerful first impression during interviews and network occasions. Remember that life is more than a job search. Enjoy the journey and learn from it.
To help you stay motivated while job hunting, try to create a daily routine that helps you find consistency. Creating a structure, like getting up at the same time each morning, setting small but measurable goals will help you accomplish activities at a certain time. Achieving goals helps you feel proud and productive. Try to work on your job search the same hours as your real job. Take lunch and coffee breaks and alternate the activities.
You have already written an outstanding summary for your LinkedIn profile. If not, read this article: Tips for a Flawless LinkedIn Profile. Now it is time for reaching out to hiring managers, companies that you want to work for, employees that work for these companies or industries you want to work for. But heading out to networking events, seminars or conferences and meet real humans who know about open job positions that may not have been posted yet and will help you find a better fit and expand your approaches while job hunting. Reconnect with your network, your ex-colleagues, university buddies by inviting them for a coffee or online.
While you are job hunting for a specific job it is wise to reach out to people who already have your dream job. How did they got there? How is their experience with the company you are interested in? You can ask these people for some advice which can be very useful in your job search. Mostly these people will be happy to tell you more about their career experience and how they achieved their goals and got there. This will motivate you even more on your job search.
Volunteering during your job search is something we are used to in the Netherlands. We see volunteering as a great opportunity to build new skills and network for your new job. You can try to volunteer in a branch or job you are interested in. Or learn a skill you will be needing for your new dream job. Volunteering while you are job hunting will also fill the gap on your CV and it will give you something new to talk about in job interviews.
Do you still know tip number 1? Try to work on your job search the same hours as your real job. That means that the weekends are for yourself, your family and friends. The hiring managers and recruitments have their weekends too. Job hunting can become a real obsession and can drain your energy. By taking some time off even during the week you will be able to refocus, find your purpose again and evaluate the job search so far.
You know now how to stay motivated throughout your job search and how to get the best out of it. You don’t want to be tired and exhausted, as the recruiters and hiring managers will notice this during the interview. What you want is to feel positive, have energy and confidence that you will ace that interview and land your dream job.
Our career consultation offers you great advantages when entering the job market again. A fresh set of eyes will prevent tunnel vision and help you find what truly matters to you. Our coaches will help you reach your full potential and be the best version of yourself when applying for your ideal job.